Brace for it - the milestone birthday is coming!

July 29, 2019

I’m going to remember this day. It’s a day when it all came together. I talk a lot about striving for your goals, practicing gratitude, living your best life. The clock starts running before we even know it and we try to make the most out of this one life we have. And then boom, tomorrow I turn 50.

Yesterday was one of those days where it all clicked for me. I have to admit, I was overcome with emotion. I actually had it. The life I dreamed of. I had done it. Now, is it perfect? No...far from it. I didn’t lose as much weight as I wanted before my upcoming milestone birthday tomorrow, and my office is so cluttered that I have a path to get to my desk (sigh), and my kitchen needs an update, and the floors need refinished...but, life is GOOD. In fact, it’s perfect. It’s the life I always wanted, that I built. And I knew in that moment that I would look back on July 29th and know that it was one of the best days of my life.

I looked around, it was a beautiful summer day in Ohio - and I love the midwest, the change of seasons, the people. I had made a decision years ago to choose the midwest when I’d had an opportunity to live in San Francisco. I look around and see Doug working in the yard. My sweet husband Doug, who I still can’t believe I found, in Dayton Ohio of all places, who cares so much for me and the girls, Madison and Lindsey, with his amazing extended family, and has provided such a great life for us.

We were in our home, with our dogs laying at my feet, and it was so dang homey. Marie Kondo says that everything in your home should provide a function or spark joy. I looked around and realized I was living in my dream home, which was put together with love by me and my family. The home where we often host our dear friends and family. We have our health, we’re happy, and very very grateful. Will I keep striving and driving? Yup (have you met me?) but I realize that I’m where I’m supposed to be, I did it, and I’m ready for the next chapter. So while I sit here writing this on my last day of being 49, the last day of my 40's, I say bring on 50...I can’t wait to see what’s next!

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