Goal Driven Women

Goal Driven Women is a hands on workshop for each of us to map out our goals and plan how we're going to get there...just with other supportive ladies and a glass of wine or two!
This group is different than other groups in the following ways:
- we allow ourselves "me" time once a month to work on our goals, deciding exactly how we're going to get there
- we have accountability by going to a group and saying out loud that we're going to accomplish something, then wanting to come back the next month and share how we did (someone described it as "weight watchers" for goal planning)
- we empower one another as it's a very uplifting, supportive, encouraging environment
- we help one another achieve our goals - as we're talking about our goals, one will say "I need x, y, or z to achieve my goal...does anyone know someone, can help with that, etc."
- we have a guest speaker - someone who is crushing their goals and inspiring us to be all we can be
- it's fun! It's a girls night with a glass of wine or two!
Each month, we do a monthly check-in and review what we each accomplished the prior month, challenges & opportunities (and how we can help each other get there), then discuss & plan the coming month.
A printable worksheet is sent out ahead of time. To get the most out of the event, jot down your goals and bring them with you to the event.
Upcoming Events
Goal Driven Women meets the last Tuesday of every month on a virtual Zoom call.
For more information, visit our Facebook Page @goaldrivenwomengroup